Friday, June 3, 2011

Pastors Only Work on Sundays

I love it when people (jokingly?) say that pastors only work on Sundays.

Oh, how lovely that would be.

Here's this weekend's itinerary.  Mind you, Friday is usually my day off:

3:00 Friday, begin Youth Retreat.

Leave retreat at 6:30 and head to wedding rehearsal.

Hopefully get back by 8:30 to continue scheduled Bible Study.

Try to get some sleep with HS youth making all kinds of noise.

Finish up retreat at 11:30 a.m.

Head to graduation party.

Leave party to get back home to prepare for wedding.

Do wedding at 4.  Stay for reception and beer!!! 

Up for service at 8:00 a.m.

Sunday school at 9:00 a.m.

Worship again at 10:00 a.m.

Head out to Junefeast-- our local agricultural society's main fundraiser where approximately 1/3 of my congregation will be working and the other 2/3 will be attending.

Mind you, none of the above lists the prep time it took to plan all the stuff: 3 retreat Bible studies, 3 retreat worship services, games, Wedding sermon, Sunday Sermon, and Adult Bible study.

Anyone think we pastors don't put in our time just like everyone else?

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