Sunday, April 1, 2012

If I Decided to Further My Education

For a little while, I toyed with going back to school and getting my Doctorate of Ministry.  I even made inquiries at the Presbyterian Seminary in Austin.  I never quite took the plunge.

And now, I've decided if I do decide to further my education, it will not be in the theological realm. 

When I moved out to Cat Spring, I was blessed to meet someone who was/is well versed in science.  He and I have had numerous conversations about faith, theology, science, and reason in the past seven and a half  years.  What he had to teach me blew my ever-loving mind--in a very good way.

In our conversations, I was exposed to the wonderful reality of quantum mechanics.  The further I have delved into this arena of physics, the more my faith has grown.  It has been quite a ride.

I very much wish I could have wrapped my head around these concepts when I was younger.  I'm not saying that I would have entered into a different calling.  I am almost 100% certain I am called to be a Lutheran pastor and will continued to be called to live out this vocation.  Yet, I am inextricably drawn to the quantum reality.  I am inextricably drawn to how the quantum world affects our understanding of reality.  I am inextricably drawn to how the quantum world and the world of faith relate.

The book that I am currently writing relates to quantum theory and the reality of time.  I wish I were more knowledgeable of the subject, but fortunately for me, my church member is helping me along with that part.

I do know, that given the opportunity, I would further my education so that I wouldn't need such assistance.  Given the opportunity, I would pursue a BS in physics and probably follow it up with an MS as well.  A PhD would probably be beyond my grasp, but who would know?  There is a whole realm of probabilities.

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