Thursday, January 12, 2012

Sometimes it Takes a Little While

It's been just over three weeks since I visited one of my members in the nursing home.  The woman I visited today has been through the wringer since July of last year.

She suffered a debilitating stroke.

She endured a lengthy hospitalization while her brain recovered only to be subjected to open heart surgery to clean up an infected heart valve.

After a very short time in ICU, she was sent to a specialty hospital thanks to Medicare's rules regarding how long they will pay for a hospitalization.  All during this time, this woman could not talk.

The specialty hospital stay amounted to time spent in Purgatory.  She didn't receive quality care.  She didn't get the rehab she needed.  She fell one evening and spent close to four hours on the floor.  Of course, since she couldn't speak, she couldn't cry out for help.

She was moved to another rehab facility and stayed as long as Medicare would pay, but she didn't make much progress.

Her family moved her to a local nursing home, and since arriving there, she's made steady progress.

Today, I stopped by before heading to another appointment.  My member was sitting in her wheelchair in the nursing home lobby waiting for dinner.  She smiled and waved at me when I entered.  She hugged me and grasped my hands in welcome.

Her speech still isn't quite back to normal, but we were able to hold somewhat of a conversation.  As I prepared to go, I commented about how she looked stronger and seemed to be doing better.  I asked if her legs had gotten stronger, and I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

She stood up!  Without help.  On her own power.  Perfectly balanced!

It dang near brought tears to my eyes.

Half of her brain was destroyed by that stroke.  For so long she couldn't even come close to functioning, but here she was standing on her own two feet.

I know extensive rehab has helped.  I know she found a spirit of determination which has helped her more.  But I believe extensively that the prayers lifted up for this woman have made a tremendous difference.

More than a few times I've lifted this woman's situation up in prayer.  More than a few times I wondered why things were moving so slowly.  I don't fully know why it took so long, but God is bringing about healing.  Why it happens for some and not for others, I do not comprehend.  One day, I'll know, but it is good to also know that sometimes it just takes a little while.  We shouldn't lose hope because of it.

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