Monday, August 8, 2011

A Quote that Resonates with Me

From Richard John Neuhaus' book American Babylon:

...the churches that had been a primary bearer of the American story have been of little help in restoring a politics of democratic deliberation about how we ought to order our life together.  Those Protestant churches that were once called mainline, and are not viewed as oldline or even sideline, have in recent decades planted the banner "Thus Saith the Lord" on the cultural and political platform of the left.  The evangelical Protestant insurgency has planted the same banner on the cultural and political platform of the right.  It matters little that those on the right have greater political potency.  With notable exceptions, both undermine a religiosly informed public philosophy for the American experiment; both contribute to the political corruption of authentic politics; both have forgotten that, as it is said in the Letter to the Hebrews, we have here no abiding city.  p. 54
I am chewing on this one because it is offering some pretty substantial meat.

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