Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sitting By Streams of Living Water

I know.  I know.  Yesterday, I was supposed to be sitting in a lecture hall at the Tri-synodical theological conference.

I was supposed to be listening to experts who would tell us about how church needed to be done in this fast paced, technological age.

I was supposed to be listening to experts who would advise me about how to connect with youth and their parents who are stretched by endless activities and "busy"ness.

But I felt a deeper need.  I felt the need to sit at the feet of the Expert Himself.  I feeld the deep down call to sit beside streams of living water which would help me connect to the streams of living water which gush forth from Christ Himself.

I drove up the Devil's Backbone and to Perdenales Falls State Park where I could sit and listen and be in the presence of Christ.

I have no doubt that many of my colleagues get nourishment from sitting in lecture halls having folks give advice to them about what it means to do church these days.  I have no doubt it stimulates their hearts and minds.  But such things are not restful for me.   They do not give me near the nourishment I need at such events. 

Oh, I usually attend a lecture or two so that the trip is justified, but at nearly every event in January that I attend, I slip off and find a place where human voices are not heard.  I slip off and find a place where the only sounds are provided by wind and/or water.  I slip off to listen to a different Voice.

While many of my colleagues were listening to lectures, I listened to this

 ‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, “Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.” --John 7:37b-38

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