Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Angels Watching Over

There is a new lawn ornament that graces the facade of our church building.

Several months ago, one of our members entered into her eternal home.  The church received a substantial gift in her honor to add a beautification project which would enhance the landscaping of the buildings. 

The family consulted with the congregation council, and it was decided that an angel statue would be placed to the side of the fellowship hall entrance.

Two weeks ago, the statue was put in place.  Flowers were planted around it.  On the statue's pedestal, words of rememberance were engraved.  In my humble opinion, it is a piece of beauty and a fitting tribute to the woman who is remembered.

My children have quite a different take on the matter, however.  Whether it is their imaginations or their child-like faith, I am not sure.  But I am hopefully wise enough to allow them to "see" with their own eyes.  What do I mean by that?

A week ago, I was in the yard watering my blackberry and raspberry bushes.  My eldest came running up and said, "Daddy, I need to tell you something amazing.  It wasn't a dream.  It really happened.  Last night, I was having a nightmare.  I woke up scared, and I looked out the window.  I saw the angel standing there watching over me.  Do you believe me, Daddy?"

"Yes, dear," I said.  "I believe you."

For all I know, she saw that angel watching over her, and I'm not going to discourage her.  Too often our beliefs get pressed down or pressed aside by science and reason.  Science and reason are important, but they have their limitations.  They will always have their limitations, and I recognize this all too well now.

There is and always will be mystery in this world when one engages the life of faith, and I'm going to let my kids hold onto that for as long as possible.  What's wrong with letting them believe angels are watching over them?  In this father and pastor's view: nothing.

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