Monday, July 2, 2012

Having No Power

I said a prayer this morning for the folks on the East Coast who are still without electric power following last week's storms. 

Oftentimes, we take for granted something that has been there and is there functioning and operating in the background providing for our needs on a consistent basis.  We don't tend to think about such things until they are gone--taken away in a sudden burst of storm or other tragdey.

And it's not just electricity.

Think about the spouse who is suddenly served with divorce papers and left alone or single with kids.

Think about the couple married for years where one spouse suddenly dies of a heart attack.

Think about a dear friend who is transfered because of a job.

All the things one takes for granted in such relationships suddenly become obvious, and one thinks, "How will I ever be able to function without _______________ (fill in the blank: electricity, my mom, my wife, my husband, my friend...)?"

After I said a prayer for the folks on the East Coast, I said a prayer that I and we might be more aware of all the things we take for granted and have a lot more appreciation for them.

Don't wait until the power is out to appreciate it.

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