Sunday, May 29, 2011

Overheard at Church Today

One of the blessings about being in a rural congregation and having children born to your family in that church is the fact your kids are not just your kids.  The congregation tends to claim them as well.  Your kids have more grandparents, aunts and uncles than they can shake a stick at.

This can make it easier on their mother trying to cope with tree little ones during boring (at least to them) church services.  It's always nice when they can sit next to or be entertained by one of their "grandparents", "aunts" or "uncles" during worship.

It's also a good thing, at least for me as a parent, in that I get informed of all the hijinks my kids try to pull, and the things they do manage to pull off as well.

For instance, today I was informed that 3/4 of the way through my sermon, my son said, "When is Daddy going to stop talking?"

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