Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Humor Part 2

Breaking news from the church office:

We have finally found a way to insure that we will never have a shortage of council members or congregation presidents!

The back story:

Our neighbor has his home for sale.  This directly impacts the church since he has an ice machine and has graciously allowed the church to get ice anytime we have a need.  If and when he sells his house and moves, well...there goes our free ice.

A few conversations about the need for an ice machine have surfaced from time to time, but there have been some very legitimate reasons to question the need for one--namely: space and continued usage to prevent slime.

A congregation member a few moments ago entered the church office (which resides in a refurbished house) and said, "Couldn't we put an ice machine over here?"

I replied, "Of course!"

And then, from the other room a voice says, "I vote for a Margarita machine too!"

The congregation member says, "You have to work your way up to these things, you know."

And then I replied, "I like the idea, a lot.  We could have some awfully fun council meetings if we put one of those things in!"

Congregation member: "They'd probably be pretty long."

Me: "And we probably won't get much work done, but can you imagine the line of those standing up to serve if we did such a thing?"

And I'm sure if we offered doubles for the congregation president, we'd have a whole lot of folks willing to serve in that capacity as well.

Now, please don't talk to me about liablity issues and other such things at this time, I'm enjoying the moment. :-)

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